CURRICULUM VITAE- Abridged version
1995 Doctor of Arts in Humanistic Studies, University at Albany, State University of New York. Dissertation Title: The Visible and the Invisible, the Sayable and the Unsayable: Contemporary Politics in Argentina.
1985 Licenciatura en Ingles, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina
2007 to present Skidmore Liaison Officer to the Faculty Resource Network, New York University
2002 to present Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Skidmore College
2004-06 Director, Latin American Studies Program, Skidmore College
1996-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Skidmore College
1994-96 Visiting Instructor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Skidmore College
1995 Visiting Professor (summer session), Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1993-1994 Lecturer, Department of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University at Albany, SUNY
1993-94 Research Assistant, CELAC (Center for Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies) and Latin American Studies Association Program Office, University at Albany, State University of New York.
Comamos y te cuento: Recetas del norte argentino. Rosario, Argentina Editorial
Prohistoria, 2013, forthcoming.
El cine argentino de hoy: Entre el arte y la política. Buenos Aires, Argentina:
Editorial Biblos, 2007.
Otro punto de vista: mujer y cine en Argentina. Rosario, Argentina: Beatriz
Viterbo Editora, 2005.
Selected Articles
“Holy Mole: A Take on Mexican Cuisine in New York City.” The Ometeca Journal, 18 (2013),
“Foodcapes, Foodfields and Identities in Yucuatán.” Book Review. Food, Culture and Society.
16:2 (2013): 330-32.
“De boca en boca: Dos escritoras argentinas pasando recetas. Género y Cultura en
AméricaLatina. Arte, historia y estudios de género. México: El Colegio de México, fothcoming.
“Film Directors, Female: Latin America.” In Mary Zeiss Stange, Carol K. Oyster The
Multimedia Encycolpedia of Women in Today’s World. Sage, 2011.
A Look at What Is Happening in Latino (a) Studies.” Latino(a) Research Review, 6 (2007-08)
“Un texto físico en un contexto político.” In Luz Gutiérrez de Velazco, ed. Género y Cultura
en América Latina: Arte, historia y estudios de género. México: El Colegio
de México, 2003:55-71.
“Latinidad, Identity Politics, and Cultural Citizenship.” Latino(a) Research Review, 5 (2003): 132-136.
“Stereotypes but…: Gender Roles in Contemporary Latino Cinema.” Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, 30 (2003): 8-10.
“Selena: Two Contemporary Cinematographic Interpretations.” In Richard Young, ed. Music, Popular Culture, Identities. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 2002: 287-300.
“Bodyfilm: The Cinematic Representation of Latinas.” Diálogo, 6 (2002): 4-7.
“Changing the Face of Argentinean Cinema: The Vibrant Voices of
Four Women.” Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, 28 (2001): 7-9.
“Cooking with Words: The Kitchen as a Subversive Space.” In María Claudia André, ed. Chicanas and Latin American Women Writers Exploring the Realm of the Kitchen as a Self-Empowering Site. New York: Mellen Press. 2001: 97-118.
“Proclaiming a Space: The Poetry of Sandra Cisneros and Judith Ortiz Cofer.” MultiCultural Review, 9 (2001): 48-55.
“Descriptive Research on Computer-Assisted Language Learning Through Thematically Based X-Media Template Lessons.” Co-author: Charlene Grant. Journal of Language Learning Technologies, 32 (2001):23-35.
“Pedagogy and Development of Thematic Lessons Using X-Media Templates.” Conference Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, 33-36, 1998.
2012 Skidmore Faculty-Student Summer Collaborative Research Grant
2011 Skidmore Initiative Grant
2010 Faculty Resource Network, NYU Summer Residency
2006 Mellon Foundation Sabbatical Grant
2004 Skidmore Major Project Completion Award
2001 Skidmore Faculty Development Grant
1999 Skidmore Faculty Development Grant
1999 Middlebury/Mellon Foundation Course Development Grant
1997 Skidmore LS Development Grant
1995 Skidmore Summer Faculty Course Development Grant
1990 Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program
Association for the Study of Food and Society
Modern Language Association
Latin American Studies Association.
North American Women’s Studies Association
SCOLAS (South West Council of Latin American Studies)